---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <m...@mozilla.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 12:55 PM
Subject: [Planned] TCW 10-10-2015 6a - 2p PDT
To: all-moco-m...@mozilla.com

Issue Status:  Upcoming
Short Summary: We will have our next tree closing window on 10/10/2015
starting at 6a
to perform the following work:

1206018 Remove netvault puppet module during tree closing window
1209086 migrate treestatus to relengapi/scl3
1210069 ZLB TCW maintenance October 10th
1207701 Cut over generic production DBs from phx1 to scl3
1204114 reboot frontend ZLB nodes
1204964 restart of all buildbot masters

Mozilla IT Maintenance Notification:

Issue Status:      Upcoming
Bug IDs:           1204963
Start Date:        2015-10-10
Start Time:        06:00 PDT
Site:              All
Impact of Work:    During this time we expect no to very brief
disruptions in service.
We do ask that all service owners check their applications after any
Tree Closing Window where
widespread maintenance has occurred to validate.

If you have any questions or concerns please address them to...@mozilla.com

Also, visit whistlepig.mozilla.org for all notifications.
m...@mozilla.com - m...@mozilla.com
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