> Firefox WebRTC supports H.264.
Yes but only Baseline profile and not with high quality.
Focus is for WebRTC, not for streaming.
Broadcast quality encoding requires more than just enabling h264,
it requires specific access on encoding features and algorithms.
(I/P/Keyframe structure, profile/level, bitrate control, ...)
Furthermore there might be specific capture devices which need
special driver support (e.g. Blackmagic)

> In any case, this is the set of use cases WebRTC is intended to support and 
> so the right direction to be going is to work with WebRTC 
> (potentially helping us
> enhance WebRTC to support your applications) rather than doubling
> down on NPAPI.
> -Ekr

We are working with WebRTC and it has it's good use cases.
However it would not replace a complete live broadcast architecture
(at least not yet) without adding a server component which makes
the whole setup much more complicated.
At the moment we can directly send live streams to CDN like Akamai
with highest possible H264 quality.
This is definitely not possible with WebRTC.

What would "helping us" mean for you, and how can we do this?
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