It's also worthy to point out many nation-state deploys Smart Card
identifications (despite the privacy concern), allow it's citizens (or
subjects) to authenticate with government services online.

Filing income tax online is the only use case for me personally to use
an Windows VM (for IE & ActiveX) or a Java plug-in. Web has so far
failed to fulfill this use case as essential and certain as death [1].

In Taiwan, 45% of tax filing is through Smart Cards online [2] this
year. The alternatives would be go down to the tax office to file it
on paper, or authenticate in person to get the income manifest *and*
file online with the authenticated passcode printed on the manifest.
WebCrypto could save some trees by preventing people from having to do

(I am not sure these are the right mailing list for raising the use
case -- please advice if this should go somewhere else.)




On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 8:39 PM, helpcrypto helpcrypto
<> wrote:
> I know a lot of colleagues with the same problem, and that's why there has
> been a rumble about "out of scope smartcards on Webcrypto".
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