On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 8:17 PM, Bobby Holley <bobbyhol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I gave a lightning talk at Whistler about MozPromise and a few other new
> tools to facilitate asynchronous and parallel programming in Gecko. There
> was significant interest, and so I spent some time over the past few weeks
> untangling them from dom/media and hoisting them into xpcom/.
> Bug 1188976 has now landed on mozilla-central, MozPromise (along with
> TaskQueue, AbstractThread, SharedThreadPool, and StateMirroring) can now be
> used everywhere in Gecko.
> I also just published a blog post describing why MozPromises are great and
> how they work: http://bholley.net/blog/2015/mozpromise.html
> Feedback is welcome. These tools are intended to allow developers to easily
> and safely run code on off-main-thread thread pools, which is something we
> urgently need to do more of in Gecko. Go forth and write more parallel code!
> bholley
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Does MozPromise have the same "skipping the event loop" behavior that
JS promises have?  Or is that limited just to StateMirroring?

- Kyle
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