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I need to give my 2–coins–worth on this topic, please.

If Mozilla decides to drop the 32–bit Mac users,
then also drop the 32–bit Windows users
and the 32–bit Linux users
etc etc etc etc etc.

I bet you’d hear a HUGE CRY from these other groups.

So I don’t want us poor Mac users to be slighted, either.

I guess I need to be their ‘voice’ in this discussion.

So I request Mozilla to at least continue supporting the 32–bit Mac users
and only until
a third–party group can deal out working code for them
as mentioned earlier in this thread.
This will also be applicable to other Firefox–based apps
that are presently available for Mac users
such as Thunderbird, SeaMonkey,

so that’s my main 2–coins–worth here

Me ??? —

I’ve tried describing my situation in various bugreports,
so here it is again —

I only have this computer,
it is a model “iMac6,1”, described here,

So fortunately I have a 64–bit–capable iMac
since it contains a Core–2–Duo CPU
and SL/10.6 does run apps in 64–bit mode when available,
yet this model has 32–bit EFI/BIOS
and SL/10.6 knows it must use 32–bit kernel code here
and knows how to deal with interfacing such different code/data/etc bases,
akin to the early MacPro towers.

I’ve elected to stay at Snow–Leopard (OSX–10.6.8)
for fear of losing PowerPC support in some apps that have yet to be made into 
Intel® code,
and also because I can’t really afford to purchase a full official copy of 
10.7/Lion assuming it’s still available
(more on my financial situation below).


I use this iMac in 32–bit mode whenever it’s available within each app.
There’s no need to try 64–bit mode when the hardware is designed with no more 
than 4–GB RAM entirely.
(That’s the main reason the app called SixtyFour deals with,
 further explanations at that site)

And I know it’ll use 64–bit numbers when the code is written properly
during access of data files
and such
so that the proper offset math etc is used.
That–right–there does not really depend on the ‘bitness’ of the CPU

I’m going to get even–more personal now.

Why am I stuck with this model?

I am on Disability with No End in Sight.

I can’t afford any other machinery, period.
Unless someone would help me with acquiring a Grant
or Donation of proper (and newer) equipment

I had limited help with certain fellow humans who could drive me to places and 
help purchase needed items.
I have already lost several older PowerMac machines, among almost everything 
else (especially: attempted ownership of a gas–electric hybrid car [was trying 
to Go–Green at the time]).
I picked this iMac model during a time of no local Apple® store.
This town only had a local CompUSA™ store dealing with Apple® gear, before they 
closed down,
and this model was in stock at the time.
It was a rush job, at that; no mail–order was possible until I get set at my 
(now current) living quarters.

I would gladly install a whole–open–source system here if at all possible,
but I need help here.
I’ve tried various boot discs burned from ISO images at their public sites,
mainly FreeBSD, Tails, and such, so far.
I haven’t found any that would work 100%,
seems they would get ‘stuck’ when the boot process needs input from the 
keyboard and/or mouse.

I know about UEFI, and that we’d need 32–bit access to the EFI/BIOS routines.

So I’ve decided to get a complete whole computer
which will run F/OSS systems,
but now I can’t afford to do that
unless I get help with getting a Grant or Donation etc.

Back to Square One — I must keep this iMac going, or lose my primary method of 
communication (including ordering food etc).

My main paid job was directly involved with IBM mainframes and state–wide wired 
private network.
I had a side project to try building puny PCs to run F/OSS systems and apps.

And now I see that “they” want me to Fail even with the equipment I use at home 

I cannot win for losing … as the saying goes.

So I must now pull–out all the ‘stops’ and get this story to the masses to read 
and digest, please.

I’ve been very concise here,
maybe expand on it is needed thru more discussion if possible.

Thank you.

(the pseudo–scrambled email addy is placed there generated by the GMane.org 
 I understand it does work, and can be used for private emails to me,
 also I’ll try monitoring this maillist thru GMane.org as well)



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