[cc'd to dev-security for visibility. This discussion is intended to
happen on dev-platform; please reply to that list.]

Ryan Sleevi recently announced the pre-intention to deprecate and
eventually remove support for the <keygen> element and special-case
handling of the application/x-x509-*-cert MIME types from the blink
platform (i.e. Chrome).

Rather than reiterate his detailed analysis, I'll refer to the post here:


Much, if not all, of that reasoning applies to gecko as well.
Furthermore, it would be a considerable architectural improvement if
gecko were to remove these features (particularly with respect to e10s).
Additionally, if they were removed from blink, the compatibility impact
of removing them from gecko would be lessened.

I therefore propose we follow suit and begin the process of deprecating
and removing these features. The intention of this post is to begin a
discussion to determine the feasibility of doing so.


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