Tracking bug:

APIs to be removed: mozRequestAnimationFrame, mozAnimationStartTime, mozCancelAnimationFrame.

As of today, they are not used in our tree.

Web compat impact for mozRequestAnimationFrame/mozCancelAnimationFrame: Not known for sure, but expected to be small to none. Pretty much any real-life web code that uses this API will also used the unprefixed version or at worst fall back to setTimeout/setInterval. Unfortunately, a use counter would not help much here because of web sites that prefer using the prefixed version to the unprefixed one.

Web compat impact for mozAnimationStartTime: I expect none, since no other browser supports anything like it.

Extension compat impact: There are some extensions using mozCancelAnimationFrame and mozAnimationStartTime but not very many and they should be easy to update. There are _lots_ of extensions with hits on mozRequestAnimationFrame but most of those seem to be a comment in the add-on SDK and various web libraries. Again, I expect any extensions that _do_ solely use mozRequestAnimationFrame to be easy to update, but hunting them down might be a bit of work...

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