(Please kindly cc me if you want my attention in this thread. I don't subscribe 
to mailing lists.) 

On Friday, April 18, 2014 at 7:22:56 AM UTC+10, Marcos Caceres wrote:
> Summary:  
> JSON-based manifest, which provides developers with a centralized place to 
> put metadata associated with a web application. This includes, but is not 
> limited to, the web application's name, links to icons, as well as the 
> preferred URL to open when the user launches the web application. The 
> manifest also allows developers to declare a default orientation for their 
> web application, as well as how the application is to be displayed by the 
> user agent (e.g., in fullscreen).  
> Bug:  
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=997779 
> Link:  
> http://w3c.github.io/manifest/ 
> Platform coverage: 
> All.  
> Estimated or target release:  
> Q3 or Q4, 2014 

A few people have reached out to me with concerns about implementing web 
manifest in Gecko and have asked me to restart this thread (given that no one 
objected the first time around). There are concerns about the utility of Web 
manifests, the overall vision of "appifying" the Web, and their purpose given 
that the essentially replicate functionality in well-established and widely 
used <meta> elements. 

Some of the things raised: 

 * It's not clear what problems manifest solves: do we really want to replicate 
"native app" installation behavior on the Web? We don't have a good history of 
making this work in various products. 
 * Extra HTTP request could yield a performance penalty (even if 
deprioritized)... though probably not a concern in a HTTP2 world. 
 * Can't we just use meta tags (application-name, etc.)? 
 * App-scope is as bad, or worst, than scope in service workers (i.e., you only 
get one directory in a domain, or the whole domain). 
 * How would Desktop firefox make use of display modes? (i.e., how would they 
work with tab browsing) 

Discuss! But please cc me, or else I might not read it :) 
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