On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 5:09 PM, Mark Côté <mc...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> To that end, I'd like to consider the voting feature.  While it is
> enabled on a quite a few products, anecdotally I have heard
> many times that it isn't actually useful, that is, votes aren't really
> being used to prioritize features & fixes.  If your team uses voting,
> I'd like to talk about your use case and see if, in general, it makes
> sense to continue to support this feature.

​We used voting for a while on the MDN platform project, but the process
changed a year or so ago and they're not actively being used anymore, I

​I found it to be a pretty neat feature, frankly. I use it for personal
projects on my own Bugzilla for shareware stuff I do for retro machines.​


Eric Shepherd
Senior Technical Writer
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