Does the Servo session (which is earlier than the Rust session) require
prior experience with Rust?
On 6/8/15 3:44 PM, Lars Bergstrom wrote:
The Research team will be holding a pair of 3 hour training sessions, with one
on the new web rendering engine, Servo, and one on the new systems language it
is implemented in, Rust. These sessions will have both presentation components
and a large hands-on piece with exercises to do on your laptops. The Rust
session will also have some content on building Rust code into Gecko.
If you are interested in attending, please sign up on the Sched links below
(you will have to log in and then click the “Add To My Sched” button). The
numbers will help us figure out how many USB sticks to bring, how many people
we need to have staffing the training, whether there is enough space in the
booked room, whether we have enough stickers, etc.
The Platform admins and managers have helped ensure that the Rust session will
not conflict with any team’s meetings and that the Servo one will not conflict
with meetings for teams that work on browser features, so you shouldn’t need to
worry about something getting booked over them.
Servo - Wednesday, 1–4 PM: <>
Rust - Thursday, 1–4 PM: <>
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there are specific things you’d like to
see us cover, as we’re making up the training materials right now.
- Lars
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