On Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 7:59:01 AM UTC-7, Chris Mills wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've finished documenting the updated Notifications API on MDN:
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Notifications_API
> This includes the new features such as sound/vibrate that aren't supported 
> anywhere yet (I've made that clear), plus the service workers-related 
> features (which also mostly aren't supported anywhere yet ;-) )

Thank you!
I've looked at the SW API.

showNotification() does not return the notification, it returns void.
It also requires that there be an active serviceworker.

'onnotificationclick' is only called for notifications spawned from 
showNotification(). Notifications created on the main thread or in non-SW 
workers using the |new Notification()| form will receive a click event on the 
Notification object itself.

The |new Notification()| form will throw in ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.

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