>Thanks Randell, these are good points. I'll address a few of your comments
>that have not already been covered in the rest of the conversation.
>> This is used extensively in WebRTC and related media bits to enable
>> *huge* amounts of debugs (like every-frame debugs for audio or video or
>> per-network-packet debugs, which will swamp a system normally), and since
>> people are used to enabling "debug" on random modules (or all:5), having
>> verbose debugs in the "normal" :5 setting will cause pain.
>Here lies half the problem, that number does not mean what we were led to
>think it means. Using :5 would include PR_LOG_DEBUG + 1 [1].
>> The above will also be surprising since it will work "differently" than
>> other modules, making the same sorts of debugs appear at different
>> levels.  This would be expecially confusing to people not frequently
>> working in the module or when external users are asked to turn on
>> debugging.
>This assumes log levels have been used consistently across modules, I can
>assure you that is not the case :) I hope that we can get to a more
>consistent state of course!

Sure - but having "debug" logs at DEBUG in module A, and INFO in module
B (with "verbose-you-only-want-them-if-you-want-insane-data" being at
DEBUG in B) will cause confusion.  It means "turn on logging for X"
requires knowledge of which of two patterns X follows.  It also
means all:4 (or all:debug) will cause suprising (and useless) results.
And when coding, it'll be easy to use the "wrong" pattern when switching
between modules.  I see serious pain in a two-model system.  And we have
real *need* for logging at a makes-the-browser-almost-unusable volume to
track down certain sorts of things.

Even splitting say mediamanager:5 into mediamanager:4 (or :debug) and
mediamanager_verbose:4 (or :debug) will have the same problem for all:.
And it will make getting verbose logging more painful for no real reason.

>I don't think it will be any more confusing when telling the external user
>what level to turn on (it's already rather confusing). Do we need super
>spammy? Turn on debug. Do we need just the basics? Turn on info.
>> Then there's an oddball: webrtc.org "Trace" logging (a separate
>> subsystem with low-overhead buffered-IO circular-log maxed at 10MB),
>> which requires a 16-bit mask.  Currently this is exposed as
>> webrtc_trace:65535 (for example), with a separate env var telling it
>> where to put the logfile (or 'nspr' to revector the logs through NSPR
>> logging, which *really* will cause problems with realtime code but is
>> handy at times).  For this oddball, we could do other things like move
>> it to a separate env var (which is annoying to people using it, but not
>> horribly).
>I think it's probably best to keep this a separate env rather than trying to 
>shoehorn it in.

Understandable - but I've been trying to move in the opposite direction;
avoiding N different env vars (and also, if I can avoid that, I have
a better chance of leveraging on-the-fly log level changes without
having to reinvent the wheel).

Randell Jesup, Mozilla Corp
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