On Monday, 18 May 2015 08:33:52 UTC+10, Thiago Farina wrote:
> On Sunday, May 17, 2015, 罗勇刚(Yonggang Luo) <luoyo...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Such as Blink and Gecko does:)
>> Blink is a layout rendering engine. Do you mean you want to implement it 
> in Javascript rather than C++? Why would you want to do that?

To answer the original question, yes, it's possible. And someone's done 
it: https://github.com/trevorlinton/webkit.js

As for why:
1. Why not? It an interesting technical exercise. Why do people try to port 
Linux to their toaster?
2. It might be useful in building testing infrastructure.
3. JS/Canvas is an interesting sandboxing opportunity, particularly for 
server-side applications.

> -- 
> Thiago Farina
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