On 2015/05/13 23:24, Andrew Halberstadt wrote:> I don't believe marionette currently works on Thunderbird, but that's
> most likely due to hardcoded assumptions than any deep technical
> reasons. It could probably be made to work with a little bit of effort,
> it's just that to date, no one has tried.
> I thought thunderbird was using a very out-of-date version of mozmill
> which was already unmaintained anyway? Or did you already upgrade to the
> latest version?
> -Andrew

At the end of my make -f client.mk (sorry, I used |make| on this particular build), I see the following. Versions of moz* packages are printed. It is a pity that version of mozmill is not printed there although versions of other moz* packages are clearly visible.
Maybe someone in the know can fix this:

--- begin quote ---
Collecting blessings>=1.3 (from mozlog==2.11)
  Using cached blessings-1.6.tar.gz
Installing collected packages: mozrunner, mozdevice, mozprocess, moznetwork, mozcrash, mozprofile, mozlog, blessings, mozinfo, mozfile, manifestparser
  Running setup.py install for mozrunner
Installing mozrunner script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin
  Running setup.py install for mozdevice
Installing sutini script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin Installing dm script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin
  Running setup.py install for mozprocess
  Running setup.py install for moznetwork
Installing moznetwork script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin
  Running setup.py install for mozcrash
  Running setup.py install for mozprofile
Installing mozprofile script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin Installing diff-profiles script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin Installing view-profile script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin
  Running setup.py install for mozlog
Installing structlog script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin
  Running setup.py install for blessings
  Running setup.py install for mozinfo
Installing mozinfo script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin
  Running setup.py install for mozfile
  Running setup.py install for manifestparser
Installing manifestparser script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin Successfully installed blessings-1.6 manifestparser-1.1 mozcrash-0.14 mozdevice-0.44 mozfile-1.1 mozinfo-0.7 mozlog-2.11 moznetwork-0.24 mozprocess-0.22 mozprofile-0.23 mozrunner-6.7
You are using pip version 6.0.6, however version 6.1.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Processing ./jsbridge
Processing ./mozmill
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): mozrunner>=6.0 in /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from jsbridge==2.4.14) Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): manifestparser>=0.9 in /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from mozmill==1.5.16) Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): mozcrash>=0.14 in /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from mozrunner>=6.0->jsbridge==2.4.14) Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): mozdevice>=0.37 in /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from mozrunner>=6.0->jsbridge==2.4.14) Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): mozfile>=1.0 in /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from mozrunner>=6.0->jsbridge==2.4.14) Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): mozinfo>=0.7 in /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from mozrunner>=6.0->jsbridge==2.4.14) Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): mozlog>=1.5 in /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from mozrunner>=6.0->jsbridge==2.4.14) Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): mozprocess>=0.17 in /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from mozrunner>=6.0->jsbridge==2.4.14) Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): mozprofile>=0.18 in /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from mozrunner>=6.0->jsbridge==2.4.14) Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): moznetwork>=0.24 in /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from mozdevice>=0.37->mozrunner>=6.0->jsbridge==2.4.14) Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): blessings>=1.3 in /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from mozlog>=1.5->mozrunner>=6.0->jsbridge==2.4.14)
Installing collected packages: mozmill, jsbridge
  Running setup.py install for mozmill
Installing mozmill-thunderbird script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin Installing mozmill-restart script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin Installing mozmill script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin
  Running setup.py install for jsbridge
Installing jsbridge script to /REF-OBJ-DIR/objdir-tb3/_tests/mozmill-virtualenv/bin
Successfully installed jsbridge-2.4.14 mozmill-1.5.16
make[2]: Circular /REF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mozilla/CLOBBER <- /REF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mozilla/CLOBBER dependency dropped.
Packaging dbgserver-40.0a1.en-US.xpi...
Packaging quit...@mozilla.org.xpi...

real    2m35.617s
user    1m51.424s
sys     0m17.268s

--- end quote ---

That said, I thought we moved to 2.0(???)


> On 12/05/15 11:40 PM, Philip Chee wrote:
>> On 12/05/2015 20:23, Henrik Skupin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I would like to finally announce that we are going to discontinue
>>> any kind of development for the Mozmill framework and tests for
>>> Firefox. The reason is that there is simply no man power to further
>>> develop this tool. Also it's plainly only myself who has the
>>> knowledge of how it works and how it grew over the past 6 years. It's
>>> simply not scalable anymore.
>>> Since end of last year we (members of the A-Team) were actively
>>> working on replacing our tests. As you can imagine there is lots of
>>> work to do. To being able to better spread work around we basically
>>> have chosen the wider known Marionette framework. It's already in use
>>> by some products, has the standardized Webdriver API, and has a
>>> better platform for today's requirements compared to Mozmill.
>>> So lots of new features and bug fixes went into Marionette during
>>> the last quarter. All of those were necessary to support at least the
>>> most important features of Mozmill like running different locales,
>>> exercising restart tests, and others. As result we now have
>>> Marionette in a state to get started in replacing Mozmill tests. We
>>> even have some tests converted last quarter, so the important
>>> security and update tests could be flipped over to Marionette now.
>>> The new test suite itself is named Firefox UI Tests and can be
>>> accessed via: https://github.com/mozilla/firefox-ui-tests.
>> Thunderbird currently uses mozmill. Will Marionette[1] be available for
>> Thunderbird? Is there a porting guide?
>> Phil
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