On 2015-04-28 1:38 AM, Brian Birtles wrote:
On 2015/04/28 10:43, Jonas Sicking wrote:
Please make sure to do a security review so that this doesn't expose
any sensitive information accidentally. In particular, is there any
way to use this API to use :visited hacks along with timing
information to see if a user has visited a particular URL?

I think we're ok since :visited only affects colors which shouldn't
affect render or composite times? Is there someone we should loop in who
can give a more informed appraisal?

You can have style like:

<a href="...">some content that is expensive to paint/composite</a>

and then have;

a {
  display: none;

a:visited {
  display: inline;

And then time the painting/compositing of the said content. However, I believe this timing side channel already exists in Gecko. Please double check with the security team.

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