On Tue, May 05, 2015 at 11:41:41AM -0400, Mike Conley wrote:
> With a content process, the UI remains responsive, but we get this
> bigass spinner. That's not an amazing trade-off - it's much uglier and
> louder, IMO, than the whole browser locking up. The big spinner was just
> an animation that we tossed in so that it was clear that a frame was not
> ready (and to avoid just painting random video memory), but I should
> emphasize that it was never meant to ship.

Last time I tried e10s, which was a while ago, tab switching did feel
weird with e10s *because* of that lack of the browser lock-up, because
now, the tab strip shows you've switched tabs, but the content is still
from before switching, until the spinner shows up or the new content

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