On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 9:50 PM, <imfasterthanneutr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 1.Setting a date after which all new features will be available only to
> secure websites
> I propose the date to be one year after Let's Encrypt is launched, which
> is about mid-2016.

I was hoping for something a little sooner, given that we're talking about
*future* stuff.  But I'm open to discuss.

> By the way, I hope Mozilla's own official website (Mozilla.org) should
> move to HTTPS-only as soon as possible. Currently www.mozilla.org forces
> HTTPS, but many mozilla.org subdomains do not, such as
> http://people.mozilla.org/, http://release.mozilla.org/, and
> http://website-archive.mozilla.org. It will be great if *.Mozilla.org can
> be added to browsers' built-in HSTS list.

100% agree.  There's already a bunch of Mozilla domains on the HSTS preload
list, but they should all be there.


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