The first part just landed on inbound (Bug 1132854).

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 10:28 PM, Robert O'Callahan <>

> Sounds good. But, is gfx::IntSize going to get a "ToAppUnits" method like
> nsIntSize has?
The method:
nsIntSize::ToAppUnits(nscoord aAppUnitsPerPixel) const

was replaced by a function:
IntSizeToAppUnits(mozilla::gfx::IntSize aSize, nscoord aAppUnitsPerPixel)

As a followup it's probably worth replacing all of nsIntSize with
> gfx::IntSize.
So no more nsIntSize and gfxIntSize typedefs anywhere (I guess layout is
the most impacted non-gfx module)? Sounds go to me, I felt like it wasn't
my decision to make, but I do prefer having ony gfx::IntSize in the entire
gecko code base.


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