On 2015-03-12 12:57 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
On 3/12/15 12:19 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
(Note that the
fullscreen API cannot be used outside of user generated event handlers.)
Oh, good point.  That helps a lot, yes.
So do you think it makes sense to restrict iframes requesting certain 
The downside is that there are probably legit use cases for iframes 
requesting some permissions too, for example it's very common for an 
iframe to request fullscreen (e.g. the vimeo video embedding iframes.) 
One could envision map widgets implemented as iframes which may want to 
geolocate, or Google Hangout/Firefox Hello widgets that let you embed a 
video chat service in your website.
Another concern with persisting permissions requested from iframes is 
that it's possible to conceive of a TLS website (such as 
https://geolocator.com) hosting a widget that for example geolocates you 
and window.parent.postMessage()'s the info to the embedder.  If 
http://goodguy.com embeds this kind of widget in a real mapping app and 
the user chooses to grant geolocator.com a persistent permission to 
geolocate anywhere (presumably because they trust goodguy.com) and then 
evil.com can come around and embed the same widget in a possibly 
invisible iframe and profit.  Although I'm not sure how realistic this 
attack is...
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