Have you tested bumping the gcc min version here <http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/build/autoconf/toolchain.m4#104> to see if there are any builders that still use gcc 4.6?
On 2015-03-10 6:24 AM, bo...@mozilla.com wrote:
In summary: Officially make gcc-4.7 our minimum supported version. Fx38 and 39 
don't compile with 4.6 and none of the GNU/Linux package maintainers I have 
contacted have any major concerns over dropping it.

There are three outstanding bugs open over Fx38+ not compiling with gcc-4.6.
One of these is to do with an update to the Chromium sandbox code we use, which 
I landed. Chromium have already dropped support for 4.6.
The other two would be fairly easy to fix.

I could back-out parts of my patch to get it compiling with 4.6, but it is 
going to make it difficult to take new versions of the sandbox code.

I've contacted the package maintainers for Debian, Red Hat, openSUSE, SLES and 
Ubuntu and they either don't have a problem with dropping 4.6 or, at least, no 
more of a problem than the fact we've already dropped 4.4.
These distros were picked because they have longer support cycles and tend to 
have some older versions of gcc.

I've also posted to the mozilla-linux-taskforce mailing list.

If nobody has any issues with this, I'll look into sorting the patches to make 
the build failures explicit.

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