I thought it might be good to give a quick update. As announced
https://hacks.mozilla.org/2014/12/mozilla-and-web-components/ we're
not doing HTML imports. We have not found an internal need and
feedback from Ember, React, and peers in the standards community
suggest that iterating on JavaScript modules and new fetching
primitives is sufficient for now.

For custom elements and shadow DOM there's documents where we keep
track of outstanding issues:

* https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Custom_Elements
* https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/wiki/Shadow-DOM:-Contentious-Bits

Unfortunately it does not look like agreement will be found soon. The
high-level bit of feedback that keeps coming back is that we need to
find a way to get layout fast and code more manageable. How exactly we
should get there is still unclear.

There will be a meeting
(April 24, Mountain View) to discuss shadow DOM in particular and
perhaps http://lanyrd.com/2015/extwebsummit/ (April 19, San Francisco)
can also be used as a discussion venue.

We have had some discussions around within Mozilla in Portland.
Perhaps we should have another one over Vidyo? Hearing from Gaia again
now v3 is underway would be useful. (Tentative suggestion: Thursday
March 12, 9AM PST.)

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