I think the Platform Engineering meeting has run its course. As the Platform and product teams have grown and spread around the world, hosting a real-time meeting makes less sense.

A good meeting should either gather information or distribute it. The Platform Engineering meeting was not doing a good job of either. It was too big to be interactive; many viewers couldn't interact anyways because they were watching Air Mozilla; many of the team updates were read-only so people who attended the meeting had to read the wiki anyways to get the full update.

I would like to cancel the Platform Engineering meeting and replace it a Platform "newsletter" every two weeks. The "newsletter" content would be similar to the current wiki format but I (or someone else) would collect, combine, and distribute the team updates through wiki, blog post, and a dev-planning post. I have discussed this proposal and others with jst, dougt, and lmandel and they agree it's worth trying.

dougt suggested the Platform team have a team meeting synchronized with every six-week release cycle to demo new features and revisit on the organization's high-level priorities. That will take more work, so stay tuned.

So in the free time that has opened in your Tuesday calendar, why not take a trip through Platform Engineering meeting history to see how far we've come? :)


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