+firefox-dev (more relevant to that list than dev-platform, IMO)

I would certainly support an audit of what we're migrating, I bet a
lot could be cleaned up.


On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 2:40 PM, Justin Dolske <dol...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On 1/19/15 4:58 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
>> I think this leads to a more general question:
>> Is it really a good idea that our profile migrators migrate settings
>> from other browsers when those settings have been left to the defaults
>> of those browsers?
> My assumption was that we're only migrating customized prefs, since
> otherwise we can't tell the difference between something a user made an
> explicit choice about vs didn't care.
> But more broadly, I think we should be pretty conservative with what's
> migrated. A quick skim shows that we're migrating lots of stuff that seems
> low-value (eg browser.underline_anchors), or things that could be outright
> broken (eg permissions.default.image, the UI for which was removed!).
> So I think it's worth revisiting what prefs we migrate.
> Justin
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