On 2015-01-20 11:42 AM, Tomasz wrote:
You can do something similar to the beginning of
mozilla::dom::CheckPermissions to get an nsPIDOMWindow*, and then call
GetDocumentURI() on it.
Thank you Ehsan. I tried to do that, but I did not afford to make that working.
Probably, because I have totally no experience with Firefox code (actually, it
is the first time I am looking at it) and I have no idea how the things are
implemented there...
So, in mozilla-central/dom/bindings/BindingUtils.cpp, there is a function:
bool CheckPermissions(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObj, const char* const
JS::Rooted<JSObject*> rootedObj(aCx, aObj);
nsPIDOMWindow* window = xpc::WindowGlobalOrNull(rootedObj);
In every file generated by the Python script
mozilla-central/dom/bindings/Codegen.py, the function headers are a little bit
different, for example:
set_border_spacing(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj,
nsDOMCSSDeclaration* self, JSJitSetterCallArgs args)
It means that the second argument is JS::Handle<JSObject*> instead of JSObject*
as in the previous case. I found that JS::Handle is just a const reference to
JS::Rooted, so, if I understand correctly, I should just add the following line to
cgThings.append(CGGeneric('nsPIDOMWindow* cwindow =
However, when I do that, an error appears:
error: cannot convert 'nsGlobalWindow*' to 'nsPIDOMWindow*' in initialization
So, I tried to use nsGlobalWindow* instead of nsPIDOMWindow*:
cgThings.append(CGGeneric('nsGlobalWindow* cwindow =
and I obtained no errors from the compiler (only warnings about the unused
variable, which is normal). However, I am not able to do anything with this
variable. If I try any of the following lines:
cgThings.append(CGGeneric('nsIURI* oURI = cwindow->GetDocumentURI();\n'))
cgThings.append(CGGeneric('nsPIDOMWindow* qwerty =
I am obtaining 2 different errors:
error: invalid use of incomplete type 'class nsGlobalWindow' nsIURI* oURI =
../../dist/include/mozilla/dom/ScriptSettings.h:21:7: error: forward
declaration of 'class nsGlobalWindow'
class nsGlobalWindow
Any idea what is the problem here?
You need to #include "nsGlobalWindow.h" in order to be able to use the
type. Look for occurrences of CGHeaders in Codegen.py to see how to add
a header #include statement to a generated bindings file.
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