2015-01-17 21:55 GMT+08:00 Philipp Kewisch <mozi...@kewis.ch>:
> On 1/16/15 7:09 PM, 罗勇刚(Yonggang Luo) wrote:
> Is that really the case? The current XUL tree may have some graphics
>> optimizations, but as long as DOM nodes are re-used in lazy loading, I
>> don't see why it couldn't be done in a library. After the fiasco with
>> your patch I wouldn't want to burden you with this, but maybe someone
>> should try to write a html equivalent by either re-using an existing
>> library and adapting it for nsITreeView or writing a simple one from
>> scratch.
> I'm not sure about if that's possible to do it in pure javascript
> without any underlying modification
> to the library. If that's possible, that's would be great.
> (Was it on purpose you replied to me personally instead of the list? Just
> FYI)
> See this for example, it kind of does what we want, but with jQuery and ajax
> requests to a server:
> http://datatables.net/release-datatables/extensions/Scroller/examples/server-side_processing.html
> Imagine something like that, but not using jQuery and loading from
> nsITreeView instead of an ajax source.
> It should be fairly simple to use DataTables with nsITreeView, I'm trying it
> right now for proof of concept.
> Philipp
That's great, except the boring loading when scrolling.
I hope it's will not show the loading when the data is in the locale computer
or computed in locale computer.

Yonggang Luo
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