On 12/26/2014 07:24 AM, Wesley Hardman wrote:
> s = "Some text";
> console.log(s);
> With javascript.options.strict set to true, it outputs "ReferenceError: 
> assignment to undeclared variable s".  Are there any advantages to actually 
> fixing it?  The code obviously works just fine either way.

It's trivial to put a var in front of this.  Declaring global variables may 
make code run faster.  In this super-limited example, maybe not.  But teaching 
when it's faster and when it's not is far less easy than a simple blanket rule 
to "create global variables using declarations".  In general that's how most of 
the extra-warnings warnings work -- don't do it this way, because this way can 
be bad, although we're not going to conclusively say it's not bad in this exact 
instance because that requires expert human confirmation.

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