On 12/19/2014 02:19 PM, Jason Orendorff wrote:
> So if you go to about:config and set the javascript.options.strict pref,
> you'll get warnings about accessing undefined properties.
> Please speak up now, if you're still using it!

I find these warnings quite useful (granted, I'm the sort of person who
compiles C++ with `-Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic`), and I've often
wished that I could make these errors show up at "compile"/lint time in
Firefox OS.

In particular, I really like seeing warnings about accessing undefined
properties when I'm refactoring code or changing an API. It's easy to
forget to change a single instance of a property when refactoring, and
having a warning at least gets me partway to being able to verify that I
did things correctly. (Tests help too, of course, but even a good test
suite probably won't catch *every* possible bug.)

- Jim
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