Some prior discussion of this feature happened in the platform thread "Disabling strict warnings as errors in xpcshell"[1].
A few people argued for the extra warnings to be removed, while one person said they were useful. No clear conclusion was reached. [1]: On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Jason Orendorff <> wrote: > > So if you go to about:config and set the javascript.options.strict pref, > you'll get warnings about accessing undefined properties. > > js> Math.TAU > undefined > /!\ ReferenceError: reference to undefined property Math.TAU > > (It says "ReferenceError", but your code still runs normally; it really is > just a warning.) > > Is anyone using this? Bug 1113380 points out that the rules about what kind > of code can cause a warning are a little weird (on purpose, I think). Maybe > it's time to retire this feature. > > > > Please speak up now, if you're still using it! > > -j > _______________________________________________ > dev-platform mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list