On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 09:32:09AM -0800, jmaher wrote:
> In the history of running Talos, there has never been an easy way to 
> determine if your change has fixed a regression or created a new one.  We 
> have compare.py and compare-talos which are actually quite useful, but it 
> requires you to run yet another tool - in short you have to break your normal 
> workflow.
> Over the last year of looking at Talos regressions, it usually is pretty 
> obvious within 3 data points if you have a real sustained regression.  There 
> are many reasons for needing >1 data point, no need to go into that here.  
> When you land a change to an integration tree, the automated alerts will wait 
> until 12 future data points are available and then determine if there is a 
> sustained regression or improvement.  Can we do this in a more streamlined 
> way?
> I believe so, the easy way is to abuse the 'orange' color for a job on 
> treeherder.  The way I see it working is like this:
> * push to try, include some talos jobs in your patch
> * at the end of your job after data is uploaded, we query graph server for 
> the try data and compare it to the expected range of data in mozilla-central 
> for the last 7 days.
> * If your data point is outside of the range we turn the job orange with a 
> message to retrigger this job a couple more times
> * When there are at least 3 data points (read, most likely 3 orange talos 
> jobs on your try push) the message will indicate you probably have a 
> sustained regression.
> This pattern makes a few assumptions:
> 1) That you will run Talos on try server
> 2) That you are fine with orange Talos jobs and manually retriggering
> 3) That we turn improvements into oranges as well

There's a fourh assumption:
4) That your push is based on a recent mozilla-central tree.

Most of the time, it's a valid assumption, but it's still worth noting.

> I would like to know if this as a hack would be useful to many.

Yes, totally.

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