On 12/12/2014 07:28 PM, Justin Dolske wrote:
However, I _do_ think it would be a good idea for the browser to provide this functionality for all password fields OOTB. That provides a consistent UX for a function we believe is valuable. I think experience with autocomplete=off has shown that lots of sites have user-hostile notions of security, and will break features for dubious reasons. [Also, making it opt-in because of web-compat concerns would mean that it would get little usage. Whatever UI we provide should be suitable to be on by default.]

I think we reached a consensus on this pretty quicky, so I've filed Bug 1111123 at https://bugzil.la/1111123 in Core :: Layout: Form Controls provisionally for the core implementation stuff. I've also filed Bug 1111131 at https://bugzil.la/1111131 in Firefox OS :: Components and needinfo'd Firefox OS UX on there in order to track that and hopefully make sure UX people that don't read dev.platform are appropriately looped in.


PS: Note that I'm not saying the conversation here is over, I just wanted to get the bugs filed.
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