Gecko should be able to make 10-40ms audio round trips, including processing.
It is of course using WASAPI behind the scenes, and the latency will depend on the audio hardware. Gecko will try to use the lowest latency possible in any case (both on input and output). Then again, if you need to write custom processing code, you need another piece of the puzzle: the AudioWorkerNode [0]. This is a mecanism to be able to run JavaScript code in the audio callback. It is not implemented in any browser right now, but the effort is tracked in bug 1062849 [1]. You can _try_ to use the old ScriptProcessorNode in the meantime, it's not the best but it can work. It will increase the latency a bit, but at least you can try porting your code. I hope to be able to reduce the input latency further by using full-duplex streams, for WebRTC and input processing like this, but this will take some time. Let me know if you want any more info, Paul. [0]: [1]: _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list