On 10/22/2014 9:29 AM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
> Is there a mechanism for running single gtests that start XPCOM?
Not that I know of currently. The gtest runner explicitly starts XPCOM
before running tests[1].
> With the current gtest mechanism, "normal" gtests can't start XPCOM
> (NS_InitXPCOM, event loops, component manager, etc) for various reasons:
> * gtests are run in parallel and XPCOM has globals and thread-locals
> which don't allow that kind of multithreading
This is actually not true, gtest doesn't support running tests in
parallel at all[2].

> * XPCOM doesn't support being re-initialized after it has been shut
> down, and supporting that is a huge task that is unlikely to be a good
> idea
> However, I've heard that there are some media tests which do
> initialize XPCOM: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Media/WebRTC/Testing
These are actually just CPP_UNIT_TESTS with a whole bunch of framework
layered around them. They wind up linking a different version of the
core code which tries to avoid linking the world[3].
> I am currently attempting to convert at a few C++ unit tests which
> start XPCOM and also end up using bits of JSAPI:
> toolkit/components/places/tests/cpp/test_IHistory.cpp uses JSAPI via
> nsINode->nsWrapperCache->RootingAPI
> media/webrtc/signalingtest uses nsPIDOMWindow -> nsINode ->
> nsWrapperCache -> RootingAPI
> I'd like to convert these to be use the gtest-libxul. Do we have a
> framework for gtests that start XPCOM and therefore need to be run one
> at a time rather than using the normal parallel-gtest mechanism?
I think we could feasibly make this work by defining a new test type
that would spawn a new instance of the test runner with parameters to
execute just the current test (obviously checking if it's already been
re-invoked) in a way that doesn't init XPCOM. I don't think there's
anything in the gtest framework that supports this use-case directly.
The closest thing it has is "death tests" which execute a test in a new
process to be able to assert that it crashes, but I don't think the
underlying mechanism is exposed in a useful way. It looks like people
have wanted similar things in the past, I found this post[4] with a
little searching.

Alternately (and possibly more simply) we could handle this in the
Python test runner by enforcing a naming convention for this type of
test (TestFooNoXPCOM?), making the test runner list all the tests and
then run separate processes for the normal tests, and one each for the
NoXPCOM tests.


4. http://osdir.com/ml/googletestframework/2010-09/msg00025.html

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