On 10/21/14 8:28 PM, Doug Turner wrote:
And, I think we can go a long way in fixing the password problem without having 
to depend on custom hardware.  I’d like to see us invest in fixing/improving 
our built-in password manager and autofill in Firefox.  Many 3rd party password 
managers have made huge strides in reducing the friction of creating unique 
high-entropy passwords without relaying on custom hardware.  I use such a 
product and it is a game changer — I don’t know any of my password but the 
master password.

So maybe before we write code to support a new token, we figure out what the 
Firefox plan around password management is?

btw, neither LastPass nor 1Password are e10s-compatible, which is a big risk for Firefox users. (See bugs 1008768 and 1042195, respectively.)

Passwords are a major usability hassle and security risk. Password leaks even make mainstream news. Mozilla could be leading in this space with a strong story around password management that regular users could understand. And with Firefox Account integration between desktop and Android, it could be an opportunity to upsell Android users on Fennec.

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