I think that’s manageable.


On Oct 20, 2014, at 2:54 PM, Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So I just spoke with Callek about his plans to move SeaMonkey off of their 
> existing Windows 2003 builders that cannot install Visual Studio 2012 or 
> newer, and it seems like Dec 15th is a date that will probably work fine for 
> SM, and that is still within the Gecko 37 cycle.  Jeff, can we hold off the 
> Skia update plans until that date?
> Thanks!
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Can you please ask them to not use variadic templates too?  That also seems 
> to require MSVC 2013.
> On 2014-10-16, 4:33 PM, Jeff Muizelaar wrote:
> Type aliasing requires 2013, but we can probably keep them from using that 
> for now. I don’t think asking them to support VS2012 will be too much of a 
> burden.
> -Jeff
> On Oct 16, 2014, at 4:29 PM, David Major <dma...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> I was thinking it would be nice to support VS2010 as long as any of our main 
> channels use it -- meaning we could drop it on the first day of 39. But I 
> have no practical justification for that. If it causes a burden on Skia work 
> then it might be reasonable to switch sooner.
> This set: http://chromium-cpp.appspot.com/
> What MS compiler does that list require? There's a number of people building 
> with VS2012, would that still be supported?
> David
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jeff Muizelaar" <jmuizel...@mozilla.com>
> To: "Ehsan Akhgari" <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com>
> Cc: "dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org list" <dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org>
> Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 9:14:19 AM
> Subject: Re: Compiler version expectations
> On Oct 16, 2014, at 3:57 PM, Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2014-10-16, 3:49 PM, Jeff Muizelaar wrote:
> After some discussion some IRC it was clear that our compiler deprecation
> schedule is not very clear.
> Now that we’re using VS2013 on trunk and will soon not being using GCC 4.4
> for B2G, I expect we’ll be dropping support for building with VS2010 and
> GCC 4.4  in the near term.
> GCC is https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1077549.  No specific
> bug or plans for MSVC2010, but I'd be open to killing support for it on
> the next release train.
> This is important to us because Skia is planing on using more C++11
> features in the near term and we’d like to continue updating from
> upstream. Are there reasons we can’t drop support for these compilers in
> the 37-38 time frame?
> What C++11 features specifically?
> This set: http://chromium-cpp.appspot.com/
> -Jeff
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> -- 
> Ehsan

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