On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 8:48 AM, Gregory Szorc <g...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On 10/13/14 12:17 PM, Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
>> tl;dr: I have a tool for generating regression-range links from
>> buildids. http://bsmedberg.github.io/firefox-regression-range-finder/
>> Often times when we're investigating regressions (crashes, etc), we have
>> the build ID of the nightly where the regression started. But it's not
>> the easiest thing in the world to turn that into an actual pushlog link
>> which lists the commits in the regression range.
>> To help fix this, I've created a tool that lets you paste in a buildid
>> or two and automatically figures out the proper regression range link,
>> and also links you to the nightly build directories.
>> This tool is pretty hacky: it loads http://ftp.mozilla.org directory
>> listings to find builds, and then loads the .txt files describing the
>> revisions involved. If we ever changed webserver for ftp.mozilla.org the
>> tool would likely break. But since it's something I do at least once a
>> week and I know other QA people do this even more regularly, I figured
>> it was worth automating.
>> Right now the tool uses ES6 features `let` and `for...of` and so it only
>> works in Firefox and not in Chrome. I figured for this audience that
>> wouldn't be a problem.
> FWIW, Robert Helmer wrote a tool for scraping the FTP server, storing the
> relevant bits in a database, and exposing the result via HTTP+JSON. It used
> to run on Mozilla's Stackato deployment, but he turned off his instance for
> reasons I can't recall. The service was really useful: someone should look
> into deploying this again.
> https://github.com/rhelmer/releases-api/

The code for this was pulled out of Socorro and modified to run as a
standalone service, the reasons I decided not to go forward at that
time were:

1) the code in Socorro was undergoing big changes and it was hard to
keep in sync
2) I'd rather work with releng to expose this in a more direct way

My plan at the time was to move Socorro over to using this service too
(so point 1 would be moot) but I didn't have time to pull it off right

I am ambivalent about the second point, we could probably put up a
REST API that scrapes FTP now and change the way it works internally
later without breaking the API.
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