On Friday, 3 October 2014 02:12:22 UTC+2, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

> Could we at least add woff2 to the Accept header when fetching fonts?

If Internet Media Types for fonts were widely and consistently deployed, then 
that sort of server-mediated content negotiation (client sends list of accepted 
formats and q factors, sever decides what is best and sends it) would probably 

However, they are not and never have been; also early attempts to creat a 
font/* top level type were blocked. Which is why @font-face uses a format hint 
instead. This is client-mediated content negotiation (content provides list of 
avbailable formats and a link to each, client decides what is best and asks for 

This works well in practice. Thus, an ordered list of urls and formats in a scr 
descriptor remains the recommended deployment method; it needs no web server 
config changes and no ua detection, and is resilient to fonts in the wild being 
served as text/plain or application/octet-stream or whatever the sever defaults 
to for "no idea what this is".

Which is not to argue against sending sensible accept headers, but cleaning 
that up is orthogonal to woff2 deployment.

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