On 9/26/14 14:58, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
Exposing geolocation on unauthenticated origins was a mistake. Copying
that for getUserMedia() is too. I suggest that to protect our users we
make some noise about deprecating this practice.

There have already been extensive discussions on this specific topic within the W3C, and the conclusion that has been reached does not match what you are proposing. I would be extremely loathe to propose that we implement outside the spec on a security issue that's already received adequate discussion in the relevant venue.

More immediately we should make it impossible to make persistent
grants for these features on unauthenticated origins.

Our implementation of getUserMedia already does this, and the getUserMedia spec has RFC 2119 "MUST" strength language requiring such behavior.

I can reach out to Google (and Apple & Microsoft I suppose, though I
haven't seen much from them on the pro-TLS front) to see if they would
be on board with this and help us spread the message.

The email address you're looking for is "public-media-capt...@w3.org". This is a matter for the relevant specification, not some secret cabal.

Adam Roach
Principal Platform Engineer
+1 650 903 0800 x863
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