On 9/12/14 10:07, Trevor Saunders wrote:
[W]hen it comes to the NSA we're pretty much just not going to be able
to force everyone to use something strong enough they can't beat it.

Not to get too far off onto this sidebar, but you may find the following illuminating; not just for potentially adjusting your perception of what the NSA can and cannot do (especially in the coming years), but as a cogent analysis of how even the thinnest veneer of security can temper intelligence agencies' overreach into collecting information about non-targets:


While not the thesis of the piece, a highly relevant conclusion the author draws is: "[T]hose engineers prepared to build defenses against bulk collection should not be deterred by the myth of NSA omnipotence. That myth is an artifact of the post-9/11 era that may now be outdated in the age of austerity, when NSA will struggle to find the resources to meet technological challenges."

(I'm hesitant to appeal to authority here, but I do want to point out the "About the Author" section as being important for understanding Marshall's qualifications to hold forth on these matters.)

Adam Roach
Principal Platform Engineer
+1 650 903 0800 x863
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