Hi Paolo,

This looks really nice, thanks!
I have some suggestions.
I think an extra column, with what kind of level style test
(Unit/integration/UI) it is, would be nice.
It seems like "mach help" shows some more kinds of tests, you might
want to look at those.


On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 8:40 AM, Paolo Amadini
<paolo.02....@amadzone.org> wrote:
> I've just updated the MDN page about the testing frameworks to add more
> details, like the process where the tests run in an e10s build, and
> moved everything to a table to make the information more accessible.
> The links to detail pages are also consistently located in one column.
> The new version has several question marks. If you know about the
> missing details, or notice anything wrong, please let me know or
> edit the page, that for the moment is located here:
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/QA/Mozilla_automated_testing_%28table%29
> I plan to move this page over the original later unless you know of any
> issues with its content.
> With regard to editorial issues, I've tried to define custom CSS classes
> using <style> tags in the table, but it seems this isn't allowed, so I
> did all the styling manually (a rather unefficient process).
> I'd welcome any editorial help (icons for yes/no cells would be nice).
> Cheers,
> Paolo
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