On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Karl Dubost <kdub...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Le 13 août 2014 à 09:13, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> a écrit :
>> The goal of prerender is to improve performance when navigating to a
>> new page.
> my understanding too.
>> I'm talking about doing a full rendering of a "template page". I.e. a
>> normal webpage which the website can then use JavaScript to mutate
>> into the page that the user wanted to navigate to.
> [cut the explanation]
> So I guess I'm getting confused by the term 'prerender' and the scope. It 
> looks like indeed more like a single page app (with all the caveats of client 
> side generated pages) or a rel='template' more than a rel='prerender'.

I don't understand why a separate rel value would be beneficial.

> What would be the markup for the scenario you are explaining?

Exactly the same as any other time when prerendering is used. Like I
said, no magic needed. So I believe the markup would be

<link rel=prerender href="...">

> And what would be the fallback for non JS user agents (cue accessibility and 
> HTTP scripting here)?

The same as any other time when prerendering is used. The fallback
would simply be that the next page is loaded at normal speed, rather
than being prerendered. The only thing that the page would have to do
special here when the initial page attempts to send a message to the
prerendered page about which bug's data to load, if the API for
talking to the message channel is missing, don't do anything.

> If I do
> <link rel='prerender' href='http://example.org/nextbug0001.html'/>
> How the server knows it has to send the template or the full HTML page?

You include that information in the URL. See the examples I've used in
the explanations so far.

> What is the HTTP caching story with regards to this URI 
> http://example.org/nextbug0001.html?
> And how does it help with http://example.org/nextbug0002.html in terms of 
> caching?

The same as for any other time prerendering is used.

I'm definitely getting the impression that we're still talking past
each other. I guess maybe me or you are misunderstanding how the
prerendering spec is defined.

/ Jonas
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