Le 12 août 2014 à 07:03, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> a écrit :
> * A use-case that we came upon pretty quickly when we were looking at
> using prerendering in FirefoxOS is that we might not know the exact
> URL that the user is likely to navigate to, but we have a pretty good
> guess about what template page it's going to be.

If I remember bits of Google strategy, it was basically tied to their proxy 
servers where they basically know statically which page the users are most 
likely to click next. 

There are also some logical next steps:

* Infinite loading through XHR
* Next items in a list of search results, gallery, etc. Anything sequential. 
(Next, Prev)

A bit more far fetched but maybe worth thinking for a version 2.0 heuristics. 
If it's only client-side, users could set up their browser to collect the 
browsing habits for the most common sites (*without ever sending it back to a 
server*). With this browsing habits sequence, it would be possible to know for 
the browser that most of the time the user follows a certain pattern and 
pretender the pages. Additional possible benefits: User understands his/her own 
patterns through a dashboard.

Karl Dubost, Mozilla

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