On Wednesday, August 6, 2014 8:16:09 AM UTC+1, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
> On 5/08/2014 22:09, Andrew McCreight wrote:
> > How many alerts is this thing going to generate?  Could you have a
> > mailing list that just gets all of the telemetry alerts email and
> > then people could subscribe to it if they wanted?  (Technically, I
> > suppose I could make a mailing list myself and land a patch to
> > subscribe the list to every one of these...) I'm not sure I really
> > want to have my email address distributed with every copy of the
> > Firefox source code. :)
> Decoupling who gets the alerts from the Firefox source sounds like a
> good idea.

Agreed, I am going to create a new catch-all mailing list. Our original intent 
was actually for authors to use an e-mail alias like in Bug 1047568 or let them 
use their own mailing lists. But we can certainly send all alerts in one place 
too. Hopefully receiving all of them is not going to make people ignore the 
alerts altogether. On the other hand though the number of notifications per 
week should be mostly under 10, so maybe this isn't an issue after all.

> 1) What if lots of people want to monitor a specific value?
> 2) What if people stop working on Firefox? They have to "patch out"
> their email?

What about creating a mailing list just for the histograms you are interested 

> 3) What if the owner of a feature changes? How do the Firefox versions
> with different Histogram.json interact with the telemetry alerts?

Only the latest version of Histograms.json is taken into account. 

I am aware that there is some work involved to receive the notifications, 
unless you are OK with receiving all of them. There isn't any good way to 
discern automatically who has to receive which notification. I am open to 

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