Am Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014 21:01:19 UTC+2 schrieb
> I think an important statement for the spec to make is why it needs to 
> exist at all?  Specifically, it seems like both the WebUSB 
> and WebBluetooth specs 
> should both be equally capable of producing the standard stream 
> abstractions supported by the protocols.

There are several ways to expose a serial port in addition to USB and BT. The 
WebSerial API shouldn't care about the transport layer. Neither does the OS, it 
just exposes the serial port which may or may not go through USB, BT, "native 
interface", or whatever. It's similar to a WebIPP API: You don't want to know 
whether the printer is connected through USB, Parallel, cabled or wireless 
network, you just want the OS to take the route it was configured with and 
expose a common interface for all routes.
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