On 7/14/14 8:13 AM, Byron Jones wrote:
> are you tired of receiving notifications from bugzilla that you simply
> don't care about?
> you can now tell bugzilla to stop clogging up your inbox with those
> pesky emails via "bugmail filtering".

I also entered a filter with the intent to ignore bugmail where just the
CC was changed. I used these filters (for which I now realize they are
not complete):

* Exclude if Field CC changed
* Include if Comment created

Now, I got a notification for bug 1038029 where Magnus added himself as
CC and also added the "regression" keyword. No comment was added. Does
it take some time until the filters are applied? Shouldn't the bugmail
filter have filtered out this email?

If so, in addition to the above mentioned exclude rule, I would need to
add an "include" filter for each possible field that might be changed,
i.e. keyword, whiteboard, etc. Is there an easier way to do this?


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