Error code 3, for me, always meant that I made a typo in head.js - or other JS 
files loaded other than the test file itself - that caused a SyntaxError.

It’s unfortunate that there’s no better error reporting during loading and 
evaluation of JS while loading the harness, so I needed to resort to 
printf-debugging (`dump(“1.\n”); … dump(“2.\n”);` etc) to figure out where 
things went wrong. When I narrowed it down close enough, I wrapped the 
suspicious code in a try…catch block and dumped the exception message- and 

I hope this helps!


On 11 Jul 2014, at 04:51, Yonggang Luo <> wrote:

> Thanks, I found the files, but when I running unittest, I have the error code 
> 3 for all test cases. 
> I'd like to know what's the possible reason to cause this.
>> On 7/10/14, 6:54 PM, Yonggang Luo wrote:
>>> I found following code in ``:
>>>     def buildXpcsRunArgs(self):
>>>         """
>>>           Add arguments to run the test or make it interactive.
>>>         """
>>>         if self.interactive:
>>>             self.xpcsRunArgs = [
>>>             '-e', 'print("To start the test, type |_execute_test();|.");',
>>>             '-i']
>>>         else:
>>>             self.xpcsRunArgs = ['-e', '_execute_test(); quit(0);']
>>> But I don't know where does _execute_test() comes from.
>> testing/xpcshell/head.js is contains all the code for setting up and 
>> running each individual xpcshell test. _execute_test() lives in that file.
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