On 6/27/14, 8:49 AM, Jason Orendorff wrote:
On 06/26/2014 06:59 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:
I would be interested in adding boundary checks and invariant checks
that could be eliminated in opt builds. Is this in the scope of your
No, I don't think so. S2S could certainly do it, but you wouldn't want
to use S2S on all browser code in opt builds. Too expensive.
But: there's already a pattern you can use to enable assertions that
will be zero-cost if your code runs in IonMonkey! I didn't realize
this until you mentioned it. But suppose you start out with this:
function DEBUG() {
return false;
function assert(condition) {
if (!condition) {
throw new Error("assertion failed");
Then you can write:
if (DEBUG()) assert(flowers.areBeautiful());
Now of course `assert(flowers.areBeautiful())` will not execute
whether IonMonkey kicks in or not, because DEBUG() returns false.
But when IonMonkey compiles this, it can do even better. First,
DEBUG() will be inlined. Then, since the return value is always
`false`, the whole if-statement will be optimized away. (Currently, we
don't optimize away if-statements that depend on global vars or even
consts. Only functions.)
Admittedly this pattern is not quite as pretty as
`assert(flowers.areBeautiful())`. Here's why that wouldn't work. JS
doesn't have macros. :( Arguments to a function are evaluated before
the function is called. This means that if we wrote assertions this
way, `flowers.areBeautiful()` would have to be called even in
non-debug builds. The language spec requires it. We need the
if-statement to get the right debug-only behavior.
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I don't know if it is optimized by SpiderMonkey as well, but in the
debugger we have
|exports.dbg_assert =function dbg_assert(cond, e) {|
| if (!cond) {|
| return e;|
| }|
Which is then redefined inside of tests:
|// Redeclare dbg_assert with a fatal behavior.|
|function dbg_assert(cond, e) {|
| if (!cond) {|
| throw e;|
| }|
The usage is a little nicer than requiring the conditional every time.
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