Hello all,

I'm one of the maintainers of the Jalangi dynamic analysis framework for 


Jalangi works via source-to-source transformation, and we already have an 
implementation of many of the clients you listed (e.g., record/replay, taint 
analysis, NaN detection).  One of our key pain points when analyzing web apps 
is trying to instrument all loaded code, so having a supported API to do so 
would be hugely helpful.  We would find a source-to-source API most useful, and 
I agree with Rob that supporting S2S is a good way to go in terms of maximizing 
flexibility for tool builders.  Apart from source-to-source transformation, it 
would be useful to us to have a supported way to load some scripts at 
initialization time (in our case, the Jalangi runtime libraries), so that 
instrumented code can call into those scripts.

I will forward this thread to others who have worked on Jalangi to see if they 
have further feedback.  We are highly supportive of this effort; I think a 
supported instrumentation API would make Firefox the browser of choice for 
those doing research on JavaScript dynamic analysis.


Manu Sridharan
Samsung Research America

On Wednesday, June 25, 2014 8:15:50 AM UTC-7, Jason Orendorff wrote:
> We're considering building a JavaScript API for dynamic analysis of JS code.
> Here's the sort of thing you could do with it:
>    - Gather code coverage information (useful for testing/release mgmt?)
>    - Trace all object mutation and method calls (useful for devtools?)
>    - Record/replay of JS execution (useful for devtools?)
>    - Implement taint analysis (useful for the security team or devtools?)
>    - Detect when a mathematical operation returns NaN (useful for game
>      developers?)
> Note that the API would not directly offer all these features. Instead, it
> would offer some powerful but mind-boggling way of instrumenting all JS
> code. It would be up to you, the user, to configure the instrumentation, get
> useful data out of it, and display or analyze it. There would be some 
> overhead
> when you turn this on; we don't know how much yet.
> We would present a detailed example of how to use the proposed API, but 
> we are
> so early in the process that we're not even sure what it would look like.
> There are several possibilities.
> We need to know how to prioritize this work. We need to know what kind 
> of API
> we should build. So we're looking for early adopters. If that's you, please
> speak up and tell us how you'd like to instrument JS code.
> -- 
> Nicolas B. Pierron
> Jason Orendorff
> (JavaScript engine developers)
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