Thanks for bringing this to dev-platform.

Dynamic analysis is something the security teams are particularly
interested in. Especially tainting user input is something we could make
use of across the project: Existing security efforts for Firefox OS,
Firefox Desktop, Firefox Mobile and our websites would all greatly
benefit from it, as it could help preventing Cross-Site Scripting and
other content injection attacks.

Some people may know the work Stefano Di Paola has done to develop his
DOM-XSS scanner "DOMinator". There's also been an attempt to develop it
in-tree within the security mentorship program, but the outcome wasn't
fit to be merged into moz-central (bug 811877).

A mozilla-owned API would help make all future endeavors last. I have
also been in contact with folks in academia and the industry who are
interested in both implementation and consumption of the API.

I will make sure their attention is directed to this threat to provide
additional feedback.
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