On 06/15/2014 05:04 AM, Botond Ballo wrote:
> I would love to get more people at Mozilla involved in C++
> standardization / get more organized about it.
> I also have a standing offer to assist anyone at Mozilla who would
> like to write a standards proposal do so, and present the proposal
> at a committee meeting if they are not able to attend. If you have
> some proposals in mind, let me know :)

If you're interested, I started some discussion[1] about making C arrays
have more value semantics in C++ (most especially copyability). This is
important to me because I'd like to be able to do something like
lambda's capture-by-copy, only in a class, e.g.:

  SomeType cap; // SomeType could be an object or an array.

  [cap]() { /* ... */ }; // Always works

  template<typename T>
  struct capture {
    foo(const T &t) : data(t) {}
    T data;
    /* ... */
  foo<SomeType> f(cap); // Fails if SomeType is an array

I'm not sure there's any immediate need for this at Mozilla, but it's
something that would simplify generic programming a bit. C arrays have
some weird semantics, and unfortunately, std::array is only a partial fix.

- Jim


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