On 06/18/2014 04:51 AM, Andreas Gal wrote:

>> So for certified app, we landed a fast path. It would be good to
>> investigate if this is purely related to the CSP or not, by simply
>> disabling it (security.csp.enable = false), and if yes, investigate if
>> reducing the number of files by aggregating them helps.
> Please profile this. I am sure this can be optimized. We likely don’t
> need to involve xpconnect here for starters.

The xpconnect overhead should have disappeared with the new c++ csp
implementation that Sid's team landed. The hardcoded implementation of
the certified apps csp is still there though, and will be hard to beat
perf wise. I'm not sure how many resources the app is loading at
startup, but the csp cost is mostly linear with the resource number and
that adds up.

Fabrice Desré
b2g team
Mozilla Corporation
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